Quality Control Inspections
VBI quality control inspections verify product quality and quantity to predetermined specifications. The decrease in product life cycles and time-to-market increases the challenge to deliver quality products in a timely manner. When your product fails to meet your quality specifications for market acceptance, the result can be loss of good will, product and revenues, delayed shipments, wasted materials, and the potential risk of a product recall.

Quality control should be a top priority for companies in this day and age.
Production control to prevent unauthorise sub-contractor
According to ILO statement that, on 24 April 2013, the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which housed five garment factories, killed at least 1,132 people and injured more than 2,500.
Sample Checking
A sample checking service involves inspecting a relatively small number of items from a batch or lot, for a range of specifications such as appearance, workmanship, safety, functions, etc. prior to mass production.
Inspection-In line
In line inspection or During Production Inspection (DPI) or otherwise known as DUPRO, is a quality control inspection conducted while production is underway, and is especially good for products that are in continuous production
Final inspection
The Final Inspection is one of many types of quality control inspections conducted by VBI. It is an important step in the quality control process and is the method for checking the quality of goods before they are shipped.
Piece by Piece Inspection
A piece-by-piece inspection is a service provided by VBI which entails checking each and every item to evaluate a range of variables. Those variables can may be general appearance, workmanship, function, safety etc.,
E2E quality assurance
E2E quality assurance guarantees that VBI technical staff are monitoring the entire quality control process. Wherever your products are made our inspectors are able to supervise the whole quality control to your designated vendor or client.
Metal detection control
Needle detection is an essential quality assurance requirement for the garment industry, which detects whether there are needle fragments or undesirable metallic substances embedded in garments or textile accessories during the manufacturing and sewing process,
Container loading / Unloading inspection
Container Loading and Inspections service guarantees that VBI technical staff are monitoring the entire loading and process. Wherever your products are loaded to, our inspectors are able to supervise the whole container loading and process to your designated location.